Things are going better around here. Levi is sleeping better at night, which is a huge help. He still doesn't sleep longer than 3 hours (when he actually sleeps that long), but I keep him close to me so I don't stay awake for long when he does awake. He still is eating every 2-2 1/2 hours and usually throws everything up if I try and feed him too much. We're settling into a "routine" of sorts, though, and things are going well.
Caleb is definitely showing some jealousy, especially when it's just me and the two boys at home. Levi has started sleeping in the cradle some during the day (instead of only sleeping while being held), which lets me have some uninterrupted time with Caleb to make him feel special. We've been reading lots of books together, and yesterday I even ventured out and took the boys for a walk. It was good for all of us to get some fresh air!
My sister commented today that we don't know what I'd do if I hadn't discovered baby slings. It's sometimes the only way to get Levi settled and to sleep. He doesn't just fall asleep on his own easily; it takes quite a bit of work unless he's just eaten.
Thanks for all your advice and prayers. I think my hormones are starting to settle down as well because there have been far less tears the last few days (even yesterday when I was by myself for 14 hours with the two kids because Justin had to work late).
I "talk" to all of you a lot in my head, telling you of all the things that have been going on, how my Bible study is blessing me (when I have time and brain power to sit down and do it), and how much I miss catching up on your lives. Hopefully soon I'll have time to write some more. Time is precious!!