Saturday, April 17, 2010

Verse Seven

Forgot to put up this verse since we're having so much fun with my parents being here in Singapore!

"Your name and renown are the desire of our hearts." ~Isaiah 26:8b NIV

Which one have you chosen? Let's keep it up, ladies!! Even if you've missed one or more, just pick back up. There's no condemnation!

1 comment:

LisaN said...

Okay, somehow I have ten verses and I think I've already shared them all with you. I confess I am feeling a bit overloaded! I have written them on colorful index cards and stuck them to my kitchen cabinets. I'm in the kitchen many times a day, so my hope is that I will look up and be lifted up as I do my daily chores. :-)

I know you're having a blast with your parents! Please tell them hello for us.

Reflecting Him

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