Friday, May 14, 2010


This is what happened yesterday as I was in the kitchen with the boys fixing oatmeal. I was making some lemonade at the sink with my back to the microwave. I heard it "beep" that it was finished and told Levi not to touch it. He was standing on the chair watching the oatmeal, and I think he started to fall and tried to grab the microwave to save him. The microwave that just sits on the counter. It came unplugged, fell upside down, and spilled out its contents on the floor (plus all the stuff stored on/next to it). There was glass shattered into a million pieces all over the kitchen. Thankfully, Levi was not hurt, but both of our hearts were pounding! It was one of those instances where I heard what was happening and could NOT turn around fast life was moving in slow motion.

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1 comment:

LisaN said...

Praise God that your little man is okay! That stuff is scary. I can relate a bit because just a few hours ago, Sam flipped himself off the arm of the couch (which he loves to stand, jump, climb, etc. on no matter how I try to stop him) and hit his head on the filing cabinet on the way down. He must have hit it just right, because there were serious tears but no blood or major bruises. Definitely heart pounding! Raising boys is hazardous to our health, I think... and theirs, too! But I can't imagine life any other way. :-)

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