GiBee tagged me for the 7 Random things meme because she said, and I quote, "she's pregnant and has nothing better to do but lay on the couch eating bonbons (HA!)." When
Shalee tagged me, she just said I was slow. Apparently this is "pick on the pregnant girl" meme. :-) So, I got off my duff and decided to get this done. Here goes:
1) I hate the Geico commercials with the cavemen.
2) They annoy me to no end. Especially the one where the guy is looking at the sign in the airport and says, "4 feet by 5 feet, I'm looking right at it." It's annoying because the sign is not 4'x5'...that would be almost square. The sign is a rectangle and is more like 3'x5' or 4'x8'. I'm just sayin'.
3) Hubby swears I should have been a math major because I go off about that commercial every time it comes on. I CANNOT believe ABC has decided to make a whole show about these stupid, bitter cavemen.
4) My house looks like a bomb went off in every room. Seriously. Caleb can really do a number on a clean room. It takes all my energy to get one room straightened, and then the bomb goes off again.
5) In other news, we're taking a vacation next week to Michigan where we get to see hubby's middle brother, his mom, and his dad. Exciting times, people!
6) The only part about that I'm not looking forward to is the 3-hour plane ride with a 20-month-old who doesn't like to sit still. Hello portable DVD player!
7) The nausea pills have made a re-appearance. I'm tired of not feeling well. I'm 21 weeks pregnant, for crying out loud. Even though I still haven't gained weight, I'm not losing anymore, which is good. And the baby is moving A LOT. Also good.
So, I don't have the brain power to think of 7 people to tag for this, so consider yourself tagged if you're reading it. If you don't have a blog, feel free to leave your answer in the comments.
Also, this is totally random (shocking, I know), but I think my Mom needs to start a blog. Not that she has time with taking care of her 85-year-old mother, working a part-time job, keeping up with my Dad, and trying to visit her grandkids in her spare time, but I think she has some great stuff she could tell. Ok, I'm done.