Tuesday, March 11, 2008


In the car this morning...

Caleb: "I so proud of you, Levi. That's a big spit!"


And, I keep a little girl in our Life Group on Tuesdays and Thursdays before and after Mother's Day Out. Is age 4 when the non-stop questions start? Because oh.my.goodness! I've never heard a child ask so many questions. "Why? Why? Why? But why?" is pretty much how our day goes. ;-)


Hol said...

Oh how funny. From the mouths of babes.

jettybetty said...

Perhaps she will get Caleb started with questions by 3 ;-)!

Love your funny stories!

Anonymous said...

Hi, I found your blog through Joy in the Journey and I really liked it. In fact it was the only one I bookmarked. I really appreciate your openness about PPD. I had it too (perhaps still do) and I have three healthy, wonderful kids. I wanted to tell you that you seem like an amazing mom and a lot of the things you mention, housework, errands etc. are found to be difficult by many parents. Lots of different moods after having kids is perfectly common too. You are doing awesome.
Blessings! www.momthought.wordpress.com

With His Grace said...

Yes four is the NEVER ENDING QUESTIONS! We are in that point right now, and there are days I just want to ram my head thru the wall in hopes for quietness!

Yesterday I helped out at her mothers day out and there were a zillion little four year olds going thru this fun stage!

Reflecting Him

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