Thursday, December 02, 2010

Spiritual Legacy

This past Sunday at church, we were encouraged to thank those people who have made an impact on our spiritual lives. Today is my birthday, so I thought it appropriate on this day to give thanks to God for the people who have had the biggest impact on my spiritual life.

Dear Dad and Mom,
I was one-week old when you first took me to church, and I cannot count the number of times we went to church during the years before I left your house. Three times a week for most of my life! I cannot thank you enough for instilling in me a love of God, a love of His Word, and and a love for teaching others. My earliest memories include witnessing Dad's baptism and having Mom as my Bible class teacher. From an early age I knew that Mom's favorite Scripture was Isaiah 40:8, and most of the Bibles I own were gifts from you (what greater gift to give?). Those pictures are etched on my heart and are a huge part of who I am today.

I learned from you at an early age to help others. It was just a part of who we were as a family. Many people lived with us a various times, and without words being spoken about the importance of giving to others (not just monetarily, but of our time and resources and spare rooms!), you taught me what it truly means to help those in need. I learned to have mercy on others from you. I learned to bring in those who need help from you. Every year I unfold more of the gifts you have given as I realize why I am who I am. It's because of you and the values you taught me as a child.

What a legacy I have, that you guys decided before I was born 32 years ago that, "as for me and my house we will serve the Lord (Joshua 24:15)." (And how blessed I am that another family in a neighboring state was raising their son under the same covenant, and that one day God would bring us together to form a family and make that covenant for ourselves.)

I am so grateful for what you have taught me, and that my children have a spiritual heritage generations deep. There is nothing more precious that I could pass on to my kids.

I love you both so very much. And I thank God for you.


Camille, Blake, Pierce and baby Asher said...

Wow... that might be the sweetest letter i have ever read to a mom and dad... what a blessing. Thanks for sharing.

Laura said...

What a sweet letter! I'm so glad you had parents like these! An eternal, legacy blessing indeed.

Linda said...

Thank you Jennifer, such a sweet letter. You made us both cry... :) You are such a blessing to us.
We thank God everyday for you and Kimberly and the strong Christian women that you have become.

When you have grown children you look back at the parenting you did and know all the mistakes you made along the way... Then I look at you and Kimberly and think, wow, they become such strong Christian women, such wonderful mothers...I am in awe you of two everyday.

We love you very much.... Mom and Dad

Sandy said...

Beautiful letter! Happy Birthday!

LisaN said...

This is so awesome, Jenn. I was blessed to read it. Love you!

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