Friday, June 23, 2006

Everyday Things

"...For I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances."
Philippians 4:11

True friends are hard to come by. Those people you allow into your life and trust enough to share what's really on your heart--they are special people. It is always a blessing when I meet someone I connect with and form a lasting relationship. You know, most of my close friends over the years have been people I thought I wouldn't have much in common with. But when we share a love for Christ and a desire to raise our families to know Him, personality differences don't seem so important. We may not have everything in common, but we have the most important thing in common. We share the same goals. In Jesus, we are one.
A phone call from a good friend can make my day. When a friend lets me know what I can pray for, I am honored. Spending time with friends is a blessing.
Great friends...few or many, I am content.

I thank my God every time I remember you. ~Philippians 1:3
Thanks to Jules at Everyday Mommy for starting this great column. Head over to her place for more Everyday Things.


Glass Half Full said...

I've reconnected with past friends recently and there is nothing better -- especially when we share one thing in common: MOTHERHOOD!!

Thanks for the great post!

Susanne said...

Very nice post! Friends do make everyday better!

Carol said...

Wonderful thing to be thankful for, those Everyday Friends!

Stephanie said...

So true. :) Thanks for the reminder!

Stephanie Wilson she/her @babysteph said...

I just love these Everyday Things posts, what would we do without our friends- and I can't believe how sweet the friends I've made just here in blog-land!

Reflecting Him

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