There is almost no greater joy to me than to know that my boys will grow up with Justin as their father. A man of integrity and strong conviction, a man with a tender heart, a man well-respected by others, a man with more patience in his little finger than I possess in my whole body. A man who loves his wife and is not afraid to show it.
I love you, babe, and am honored to be walking this parenthood journey right beside you.
"Lord, I pray that my husband will inspire his children to honor him as their father so that their lives will be long and blessed. May the spiritual inheritance he passes on to them be one rich in the fullness of Your Holy Spirit. Enable him to model clearly a walk of submission to Your laws. May he delight in his children and long to grow them up Your way. Being a good father is something he wants very much. I pray that You would give him the desire of his heart." ~from The Power of a Praying Wife
"Whom the LORD loves He corrects, just as a father the son in whom he delights." ~Proverbs 3:12
extremely are blessed my dear!
Isn't it so wonderful to have a Godly man? We are blessed, sister!
Love the picture of Caleb!
You really are blessed, Jenn!! What a precious family you are! I love reading your posts- always so sweet and encouraging! I was hoping to see you last week at WH VBS. My kids went and LOVED it.
Make sure I get an invitation when someone has a baby shower, will ya??? Love you!
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